Co-author of "Uprising of Hope: Sharing the Zapatista Journey to Alternative Development" and professor Duncan Earles will visit CSULB Wednesday, April 15, to discuss his book and engage students in an intercultural discussion.
According to Simple Living Summit, Earle has spent a significant amount of time studying issues that range from asthma on the U.S.-Mexico border to Mongolian dance and development. He has also spent a considerable amount time teaching students at a variety of universities nationwide.
On Wednesday, attendees of this lecture/discussion will be able to purchase coffee from Chiapas, Mexico through the Cafe Para La Vida Digna organization. All proceeds from coffee purchases are donated to Chiapas in support of the Zapatista Autonomous Municipality in Rebellion. These monies will then be used for educational and medical purposes.
In a nutshell, indigenous communities in Chiapas have been distressed with cases of inhumane treatment for years. In response to that, municipalities have developed in an effort to resist the state's inability to serve its people. These municipalities are typically self-governed since state institutions refuse to assist them with basic services. For that reason, organizations like Cafe Para La Vida Digna have assisted indigenous communities with donations. To learn more click here.
Students in the anthropology department have expressed interest in Earle's presentation already.
"I like learning about other cultures," said Alexandria Wright, an anthropology major. "Plus, I inhale coffee."
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